
Showing posts from October, 2018

Another One in the Books

The wind, unforecasted, unexpected, came in the night. Our tents were protected, but the gusts whipped and ripped at our guy lines. Sleep was elusive at best. Exhaustion came with a benefit...the wildfire smoke had been forced down into the valley, providing clarity and vision.....The summit pyramid called to us, beckoning us to climb above the rising smoke. By the time we made the summit, Mt. Baker was all that remained in the clarity of the windstorm. The smoke had caught us, but not before our moment of victory. We would soon descend into obscurity, walking away from our singular objective, into the complexity of life, a glacier. Preparing to descend from the summit PC: Ryan -- This week marks yet another first day of school for me. While I am excited to be that much closer to finishing up at the University of Washington, I had hoped to get a post up on here before I needed to complete required writing assignments. No such luck! I cannot believe how much I have neglec...